Special joint that links the reliability of our joints with the need to maintain a certain level of cleanliness in the space between the support plates.
The effectiveness of cleaning has the negative side the sizes of the visible surface of the joint which are obviously more marked than other models.
The joint is composed of two suitably bent sheets 3 mm thick in S235, above which are welded two L-shaped steel profiles that slide on top of each other avoiding the intrusion of dirt in the space between the sheets.
The round sharing bars are in S275 steel and have a variable diameter of 15 or 20mm depending on the total height of the joint.
These bars are free to move horizontally inside the oval tube, while remaining constrained in the vertical direction.
Used for the construction of floors where there is the need to maintain great cleanliness and to minimize the intrusion of dirt in the spaces between the sheets.
Joint which, due to its construction characteristics, remains easy to clean.
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The joint type Z is created upon specific request of a customer to solve the problem of dirt intrusion between the spaces that are formed between the concrete plates.
A joint that visually looks good and that performs its function precisely.